
Our team consists of ten engineering students from ETH Zürich. In just one year, we will develop a musculoskeletal Soft Actuated Robotic Arm. Our aim is to change people’s perspective of what prostheses are capable of:
  • Muscle-like actuation
  • Lightweight operation
  • Humanoid agility
SARA is not just another robotic arm; it's a leap forward in technology and design. Our mission is to develop a new breed of robotic arms using soft actuators. These devices can mimic the functionality of human muscle tissue, endowing robotic devices with unparalleled finesse and agility. This breakthrough technology enables SARA to perform tasks with remarkable dexterity and near-silent operation, a feat previously unimaginable in the world of robotics.

Why soft actuators for our arm?

Conventional Actuators

Conventional electromechanical and fluidic actuators are widespread due to their accuracy and resistance to stresses. However, their rigidity limits their range of motion and inhibits a capability to adapt to new circumstances, apart from the fact that their metal components make them heavy. There has thus been a new lineage of research in developing actuators consisting out of soft materials and being able to respond dynamically such as systems found in nature.

Soft Actuators

Soft Actuators are actuators composed of soft materials that deform when triggered. They can contract and relax in a very natural and muscle-like manner, which makes them the perfect choice for SARA. These devices come in various types, shapes and sizes, and can be driven pneumatically, thermally or electrostatically, to mention just a few. In recent years, soft actuators have been increasingly used to challenge the boundaries of biorobotics and to make more versatile and natural moving robots.